Saturday 19 June 2010

Harry Potter.

I have a confession to make..
I am a Potterhard.

I have read all the books a million times and every time a new movie comes out (despite the fact they always suck) I get really excited.
I'm sorry twihards but Harry Potter beats your books ass any time. I mean IT HAS ITS OWN LAND.

I mean really Stephanie Meyer, you anti feminist 'author', I could live without whiny teenage protagonists, vampires with control issues and don't even get me started on Jacob Black. The fact that Twilight contains the line, 'you are my own personal brand of heroin,' makes me feel a little sick. I mean way to rep up the single population Meyer. Plus do sparkling vampires really help anyone? Where as if Harry Potter was real with magic, Hogwarts and Dumbledore, well the world would be a better place. I truly believe that (loser).

Despite the fact I just graduated, I am going to save to go to Harry Potter land one day and also make up for my deprived of Disneyland childhood by getting that autograph book full of signatures.
I want Butterbeer, my own wand, a picture with a man dressed as Dumbledore and maybe a wizards hat. (yes I'm 21).

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